
Monday, July 25, 2011

Untitled Title

I'll have to admit I started feeling so bad today that I didn't think I would post anything at all.  I'm forcing myself to write this actually, just to see what words I put into print.

Today was a tiring day and I'll have to say it was a very emotional day.  I won't go into details...but have you ever been told something by someone that was hurtful only because it was true?  I often have such a low opinion about myself that when other people actually point things out to me I already know it tends to cause a bad emotional reaction.  I'm not sure what causes it, if it is the depression or just some form of chemical imbalance.  I have moments where I just feel like I am falling apart and have no control over anything whatsoever.

Going how I was going this moment hit me hard today.  I know everyday can not be sunshine and I knew this moment would come.  I am going to be okay I realize, as tomorrow is another day.  But I know I must make changes about certain things.

I may find myself heading back to my former dead end job, but temporarily of course.  No power in this verse can stop the winds of change.  Times they are a changing and dark days do not have to last.

1 comment:

  1. sorry you feel this way, I hope that you feel much better soon. Your right, tommorrow is another day and I'm sure it will be better tommorrow :) *hugs*
