
Saturday, November 5, 2011


So Guy Fawkes Day is today, and it has traditionally become a day I celebrate by watching V for Vendetta. I'm going to watch it of course, but I'm also going to think of ways to change my life for the better as well as the world.

I've been drifting along and I'm so sick of just getting by--I have to change it and I have to figure out how. I'm sinking in a world that doesn't care that much.

I need a plan, a plot, I need to try something new. By January of 2012 I have to be in a new job or bust. I've become too unused to trying that I need to force myself to try again.

I've got this neat little iPod blogger app so I want to try blogging again for a while. I'm also planning to try a bit of iPod publishing with it focusing on iPod apps and seeing where it goes from there. It could be a fun little venture.

I've gotta find something I love to do in my life before I loathe simply living my life. I've been disconnected from everyone and everything and finding a new connection seems difficult, while maintaining connections seem too often one sided. It is rare when people take an interest in me--but I love those rare people for it as well.

Since I last posted I've also taken an interest in politics once again, and I've discovered I'm a little more libertarian minded at present.

I need to change many things and I feel such a journey begins with a single step....step...