
Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I have to say this week has not been a good one--I've mostly just been trying to survive and am feeling just a bit too stressed out in life.

Wishing I had any of my long lost friends just to talk to.

I'm tired of life and I just don't know what to do to change everything around. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

The price you pay for being antisocial is nobody really wants to socialize with you when you need people.

Right now I'm just chilling out with music and hoping I can turn things around. Please let me turn things around...

Monday, September 19, 2011


It was a rainy, dreary day.  Some days I just hate Mondays and today was a very good reminder of that.  Work was busy as I just wasn't in the right mindset to handle it.
I was also reminded today why I want so bad to get out of this place as someone came through who was a relative of someone I went to high school with, which reminded me of how successful many of my friends from highschool are who didn't even attend college.  If I'd have gotten into the job market right out of high school I think I would have been in a better job situation by now.
On the flip side if I'd not went to college I would not be who I am now, who is someone I am actually starting to like.  I really need to find a work I love, whatever that work may be--I'm just not sure what I want to do however.
I wish I was on some tropical island somewhere just chilling out sipping fruity alcoholic drinks lol.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


There are some mornings I just wake up and hope for a Zombie Apocalypse, but at the same time I feel I am unprepared for such an occurrence.  I'm constantly trying to formulate a plan in the case for a possible zombie invasion.
I know that it may be unlikely but it could still happen--I definitely need to put a plan in place and read the Zombie Survival Guide one more time. I've contemplated taking over  a storage area and raiding the contents of said storage facility if such an attack happens.  I've took into account that many of the other areas such as Wal-Mart or other grocery stores will be looted and it will be in my best interest to avoid human raiders just as much as zombies.  I think perhaps it is time to get a zombie survival video game....
I wrote one blog entry already, but I felt the strong desire to write another tonight.  I'm feeling a bit lonely and a bit isolated from the world.  I hate feeling so isolated but I've choose to become this way as I don't go out that often, have people over, don't like to talk on the phone, I do love to write and email or even blog--but I've gotten so bad at it that people rarely talk to me. Perhaps I'm already avoiding people like they are zombies.
This weekend was far too short as previously stated and I didn't spend my time very well.  I've probably had more fun at work sadly than I've had at home.  My life isn't too extraordinary lately and I just want things to be shaken up a little bit.  The days when I can act young and stupid are rapidly disappearing and I've probably spent too much time acting like a square lol.
I know that even if I got everything I ever wanted I would probably still be unhappy and want more--I've learned however to enjoy the little things and to be satisfied at least with what I have.  Sometimes however on days like that everything I have seems a bit too boring.
Life is life and I'm going to keep on living--but I refuse to become a zombie at least until I get that fatal zombie bite during the zombie apocalypse.


It seems I've fallen out of blogging for the most part.  I think perhaps I've just been procrastinating as the want/need to write hasn't been stirring in me as much as it was previously.  I'm saddest to see that I've lost touch with people on Livejournal as well, not to mention everyone I've already lost touch with in the real world.  I've still been tweeting and trying to keep in touch with people via that service--but honestly I am already slipping with a few good friends on there too.  I don't like not talking to people, but perhaps I haven't been in the mood for much conversation.
I've attacked work head on, really trying to do well, and trying to push myself to be a better mercenary for the company that identifies me just as a plain number.  That's what major businesses are good for after all--I'm only as useful to them as long as I keep making them money, which I do so well they outa give me a gold star.  I'm honing my customer service skills and I'm biding my time as I check the want ads periodically while keeping my ear to the ground.  Long days are afoot and they tend to be mentally tiring sometimes and I just have to do everything I can do just to recharge my batteries on a daily basis.
I feel sad for the friends I've lost along the way so far--I realize I can be anti-social sometimes so I know the blame rests on my shoulders.
This weekend has been a wash--I'm not even sure I can call it a weekend as it is supposed to be two days and only felt like two hours--I'll admit I slept in til 10 today and 8 yesterday (lol stupid days I wake up when I don't desire to)
My life hasn't been so exciting--the highlights have been watching the Deadliest Warrior season finale of Vampires vs Zombies and playing random games on my ipod while generally just trying to keep my sanity intact.  I'm a little crazy to begin with I think but I don't need the gentlement in those fancy white coats to come knocking on my door.
I'm not sure if anyone will even read this but I love getting email, so if any of you out there decide you need an email penpal feel free to drop me a line:, feel free to even play with me a little bit and make me guess who it is and where I know you from.
I think life forgot me at some point....or at least that is what I would have used to say...actually I realize life really doesn't care about me or my plans--I've just got to make due with what I got and with a little luck and a little hope that great things will eventually come my way.
I've got most of the things I need in life, but definitely not everything I want nor the things I need for true fulfillment within my heart of hearts.  I do appreciate those things I do have and I appreciate the things I've loved and lost.
Life is said to be about the journey, not always about the destination--but with that journey sometimes you have rocky roads and cloudy skies and sometimes it feels like rain follows you where you go--we all have different paths and forks we can take down our path in life so we have control to an extent of what happens, the rest is up to fate. 
I'm someone who believes in karma, that if I do good things for the right reasons eventually all that good energy will come back around.  There are some days that I sincerely hope that is true.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Disconnected and Drifting Away

It has probably been a while since I wrote a proper blog that didn't come out as if it were just a bunch of tweets strung together.  Twitter has been a wonderful thing for when I am totally spaced out and unable to form more complex trains of thought.  Sometimes my attention span is very, very small and I use my free time very, very badly. 
Today is Saturday and I am sick with a cold, or something that has given me this horrible sore throat and the desire to do absolutely nothing.  I stayed up late into the night just listening to music and generally having no desire to really go to bed.  I also watched the Other Guys, again as we have been quoting it extensively at work between my own Talladega Nights quotes that I am throwing out there, "Shake and Bake!" Through this I found myself doing something I have never done at work: laughing.  I was filled with good cheer at a place that I have hated experiencing for years and I began to wonder if I am the same person or growing into someone new.
The pressure to be whatever anyone else wants is totally off my back, I am only what I make myself to be.  I write my own definition and don't base it off the ideals of other people.  I could label myself slacker somedays or corporate slave other days, but I'm most simply just me--the product of my experiences and the people I've met along paths in time.
I feel weird saying this but work is good and I'm having fun doing something that I never imagined I would.  It is only a temporary stop along my life's path and I feel that the next junction in my journey is coming up soon.  I've been trying new things and I'm always on the look out for signs of change.  I'm working on bettering myself inside as a person and being as kind as I can to the outside world--I'm hoping that I will find a star to wish upon and find the change I've desired for years.
The more I learn about me however the more disconnected I feel from the world as many of my deep connections with people have fallen away and I've had trouble establishing new ones.  I cannot bring the people back into my life who have gone out of it--but I can remember them as they are forever a part of me.
I'm drifting away to something new, something better than I've felt.  The cloud of depression will continue to lift and I will continue to overcome all my own little insecurities.  I still have my flaws I realize and I still have my scars--but as for fear that is also beginning to drift away.
There are positives and negatives in everything I realize and I hate being sick but I love just being able to lie around all day and watch movies or listening to music--tweet or even blog.
I do not regret the past and the choices I made, I only remember the failures as a stairstep to achievement--I hope it doesn't take too long to get to a greater chapter in my life but I do resolve to be "happy-go-lucky" until I get there.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Monday, Tuesday

I haven't been blogging as much and I feel a little bad about it.  Haven't been keeping up on LJ, so I'm sorry to my dear friends who have been missing out on my lovely comments.
I will eventually get better as things level out a bit more, and when I learn to manage my time a bit better.  Today marked the beginning of the second week of me being back to work.  It is starting to get better.  Work is work of course, but it isn't as tiring as it was.  I'm still getting used to the heat however and not having as much free time.
Twitter is still my social media friend, and I've put my tweets up here on LJ, for those curious to see. 
Had a long talk with my uncle tonight explaining netflix, and it was nice talking to him as me and him used to be pretty close while I was growing up.
I sadly feel sleepy and it is only about 8:30 p.m.
I'm going to find something to do, eventually however I will feel like writing more--perhaps on the weekend.
My last weekend was good and I ended up watching a lot of movies, which is always good :-) Bye for now all you friends out there who are still listening, I still apologize for not reading as much.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I haven't been active with the blogging in the past few days and this is something I regret.  I like keep up with my thoughts usually but this week has been longer than I expected, two of the days were just simply exhausting.  Friday was however a good day and I just needed to chill out after I got home.
This week was busy, oh so busy and technology often failed, which made things way harder than they should have been.  Work is better than it ever was, despite being busy.  I feel confident in my position and though it isn't my ideal I'm still attempting to perform to the best of my ability, when before I was just trying to make it buy.  I work to live, I don't live to work--but a hard days work can still be satisfying when I feel like I gave it my all.
My nights have all turned into a blur between being tired and just losing track of time.  During the day I got to talk with some returning customers and I ever got invited to a movie night, which I am more than happy to go to at some point. 
Today is Saturday and marks the beginning of a three day weekend, care of Labor Day! I get another day of rest and recorvery for my leg muscles that have to get readjusted to standing for long preiods of time.
My back started randomly hurting yesterday and it concerns me as I've never gotten any back pain and it was a sharp pain originating in my left shoulder blade.
This weekend I'm going to rest and relax and look at see if there are any new jobs out there in the area.  A lot of apps are going on sale or for free in the ipod app store so I'm going to conclude this blog with a few of my current recommendations:
RobotSockets~a free tetris like game where you attempt to connect robot arms to rack up a score.
Zombie Highway~a free driving game where you try to knock zombies off your moving car by shooting them or sideswiping them into various obstacles.
Meernotes~an interesting note application
Thorn~a dugeon crawler with zombie chopping action and a time limit.
Flare~a video app for those who have an ipod 4th gen or an Iphone with video.
That is all, hope everyone has a good labor day weekend.