
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

On the Upswing

There are very few positive moments in being depressed--on occasion I have the habit of feeling lower than low.  Despite being down there is still a positive--how I feel when I start rising back up and actually realize it.  At my highest point I tend to be more productive and generally my mind starting thinking positively.  From positive thinking I tend to become more creative overall.  Currently I am planning on launching a second blog--this one purely for writing and writing prompts.  I'm not sure when I will actually start, but probably very soon.

Tomorrow I'm going to go see about a job, not the job I want but the job I need to pay bills.  Blogging isn't going to be paying my bills anytime soon, but perhaps one day I could be a professional blogger or at least make a bit more money with writing than I am now.  I've always been told I had skills in the written word, but the important thing is proving it to myself.  Sometimes a job just has to be a job out of need because sadly we can't get everything we want.  However, I'm open to things that can surprise me and help me grow not only as a writer but as a person. I will be a writer all my life and the important thing is to hold the passion, not making money at it.  I'm not sure what my purpose on earth is, but I doubt it has anything to do with making money.

Also the Netflix prices went up and I'm not all that happy about it.  Just another thing in the world that takes something previously affordable and good and messes it up.  I wish that I could come up with an idea that could make millions of people happy and yet I didn't get greedy and try to make even more money.  Maybe movies are a thing of the past--maybe it is time to go back to reading books.

You can tell I'm feeling better when I say today was not simply uneventful, and that everything has its purpose at least in my mind.  The more I get up and do the same thing everyday the more I get pushed into the decision to change and make life better.  I've got to grow up and mature a little bit, which has turned into a slow process for me.

I'm happy just to be writing I realize, and I'm happy to have a few people along for the ride who desire to read.  Not everyone desires to read everything I have to write--but I still have twitter for my scatterbrained thoughts, which give the general idea.  Social media is something that has become a part of our lives.  Another way the Internet takes an idea of keeping in touch, but sometimes puts us a little too in touch perhaps.

Sometimes I write just to write, free thought/ free writing are wonderful things and help us explore things we would not otherwise have thought of about ourselves.  Every world brings us closer to that mystery that is our soul--but it would take a lifetime to truly know ourselves I guess.

I played around on Google+ and will most likely be updating my account to this site as well.  I don't truly need it as I have blogger and twitter, which are the prime combination for me.  (Not to mention Digg when my mind is curious) but in order to explore the world outside of me it would be nice for keeping in touch and meeting new people.  I hope that it allows me to meet new people.  I could meet tons of new friends on myspace, but on facebook every time I tried to add someone random they would think me a creep.  Another way social media is flawed, I don't want to just chat with all the people I know already--I want to expand my horizons as well.  It is always good to keep in touch with people of note--most of my people of note will already be reading this as I've been quite selective of who I've actually given my blog link to.

I think I might try a bit of Wii sports tonight, I'm feeling a bit more active today.  I might even go for a walk, take some photos, try something new.  My downfall is my unproductive routine.  Most days the most productive thing I do all day is sit down for a period of time and write out a blog.  Most everything else just seems to be time passing. The problem with time passing is there is never enough time to spare when the clocking is ever counting down.
On the blog page today I have added the option to follow me directly as previously only you could follow by email.  I also recently posted a poll regarding Google+ but will stop posting polls if nobody truly takes an interest.  As always my twitter feed is located at the top of the blog under the blog photo, and the Digg feed is located at the bottom of the page.  Thank you, and have a very nice day.

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