
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Muy Caliente

Did I spell that right? No bother as who needs grammar after all--not me in entries anyways.
It is so very hot today and I didn't realize how hot I was until I felt like I was beginning to cook.  The AC just never keeps up and we have a backup in the window that we have to crank on just to make the temp bearable.  It is so lovely being in a room where I don't feel like I am cooking like a Thanksgiving turkey.  I'm sure lying on a leather couch doesn't help much either.  Going to hate the electric bill, but love the AC. Blasted government monopolied electric company,
Been tweeting and conversing via tweet--fun stuff that twitter but I'm not going to go as crazy as I was before. 
I'm glad I'm back on livejournal as well and I've already met many interesting people--livejournal is probably the reason I love twitter anyways as twitter is just micro-blogging, meeting strangers and hopefully getting to know them.  LJ was always a bit deeper than that and coming back to it always feels like coming home--don't know when I first started using it but it was years ago and I'm still friends with the person who introduced me to it in the first place.
I think I've decided if I ever get together enough money to travel abroad, the first place I am going to travel is the UK, I think that would be a really enjoyable trip and I wouldn't have to learn another language to visit.  I especially want to tour Scotland and see some of the English Countryside.  I've meet so many interesting people from the UK on twitter already and I hope to meet more.
This is another day where I haven't done all that much.  I've got to remember to call my employer on Monday as I think the boss man told me the wrong day to come back, per usual.  Not looking forward to it but I need to money to get out of the red.  I tend to be in the red even when I'm working, so goes life. 
At the very least I'm alive--I'm not prospering but I've got the essentials and a few of the luxuries, someday I'll get my job as an aspiring journalist--but who is willing to hire someone who can't seem to break into the business?  I've been out of school 5 years come December and so far many attempts and nonody has desired to hire me. It might also be that I'm very introverted and the hire people who are simply more outgoing.
I'm just trying to be more content with what I have, it never seemed to help when I was always worried about not being as good as everyone else.

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